We at St Philip’s take safeguarding most seriously. We are committed, because we follow Jesus Christ, to protecting the vulnerable against those who might exploit them.
Our aim is that nobody who takes part in our Church or makes use of the Centre is harmed by another person taking advantage of their position. Keeping people safe from abuse is not the responsibility of a few leaders only; everyone has their part to play.

So our actions include:
- Being constantly vigilant to all our interactions and exploring all risks related to potential abuse
- Carefully recruiting everyone who runs any activity with children or vulnerable adults, carrying out appropriate checks before they take any responsibility
- Maintaining our training of paid staff and volunteers
- Referring substantive concerns to Ely Diocese’s team of independent safeguarding advisors
- Reviewing safeguarding issues at every main Church Council meeting.
- Ensuring all external hirers of our building also take Safegurading seriously and have their own policies or agree to follow ours
We are formally committed to ensuring that we follow all the recommended policy and practice statements on safeguarding from the Church of England. Click here to read the Quick Reference Guide our volunteers and staff use.
If you should have any concern about what you have experienced or witnessed in relation to possible abuse, please speak as soon as possible to any one of the following experienced staff and office holders. All information will be treated in confidence, as far as we are able, and followed up according to our stated practice.
The Church of England has published a Safeguarding Policy Statement called Promoting a Safer Church which we adhere to.
Our full Safeguarding Policy can be found in the Parish Safeguarding Handbook – its latest version is available by clicking the button.
Full details of the Church’s procedures can be found by clicking the second button.